SO. A bit of backstory. 40 hours a week I am Assistant Manager of an independent jeans shop on the South Coast. Our main brands are Levi's, Wrangler and Lee, which we always sell at less than the recommended price (so cheaper than department stores, asos etc), and the business has been going for the last 3 decades!
I have recently taken on the task of keeping us current, becoming a sort of social media manager alongside my usual roles. So twitter and facebook, first and foremost, and eventually a website as I get to grips with simple web design!
Over the weekend I decided we should have our very own lookbook. I dragged my lovely boyfriend along for the ride, with some of our new season pieces, and journeyed to some woodland down the road. After costume changes in the car (is this legal?) I put together a whole bunch of shots of the two of us "modelling" (the boy was much more a natural than I) and came home to immediately edit them! Not bad for a days work!
I'd like to share with you a few of the shots-so you can see a bit of what I've done, and also ogle some amazing denims from the 3 original denim brands.
If you would like to see the whole thing, it is available on facebook here or if you'd like to follow us on twitter you'll find us at @ljsforjeans (which may or may not include a behind the scenes shot of the boy trying to get changed in the car...) If anyone liked the page that would be amazing-I'm doing this all off my own back, so some evidence to show my boss that I haven't just been "messing around on the internet" would be a real boost for me (and in my wildest dreams, my paypacket) Thanks for taking a look!