Me and the boy recently spent a long weekend away at my Papi's house in a Devon village (views of his garden above). Whenever I go there I tend to come back with a different mindset. It's completely relaxing, and the food is just top notch. My dad and stepmum eat very well-always organic, local where possible. Whilst I was there they also described to me the benefits of a slow cooker (amongst other things) so as soon as I was back, I popped to Argos and got the Cookworks 6.5 litre Slow Cooker for a mere £19.99
I googled many recipes, many of which still seemed to be quite complicated, and required pre-cooking and exotic ingredients I'd never heard of. Horror! I bought it because I literally wanted to bung some food in and have a delicious meal a few hours later, using meat and veg.

Ingredients: 4 chicken thighs, 2 red onions, Half a butternut squash, 7 medium carrots, handful of dried dates, salt, pepper, cumin, honey, half pint water, tablespoon of flour.
So that is what I did. I didn't follow a recipe, I just used common sense. I chopped the onions, carrots and butternut squash (thank you M&S for selling it pre-peeled) and bunged them in, and seasoned with salt and pepper. I rubbed 4 chicken thighs with honey and cumin, and placed them on top with some dates (I watched a lot of Moroccan themed TV at my dad, hence the cumin also).

I added some boiling water by eye (probably a little too much, I would now say you only need about half a pint) and a tablespoon of plain flour. A pinch more cumin, a bit of a swirl around, then the real experiment could begin! I opted to cook on low for 7 hours (7 torturous hours, once the smell started circulating) and voila! I had made enough for a serving for myself, for the boy, and some leftover to freeze for a rainy day, and also some liquid leftover to use as stock for the next meal! How purse friendly of me.

Taste wise, it was pretty good. It was a bit too watery this first time round, a lesson learnt for the next round!
Anyone else out there have a slow cook recipe to share? Link me, I'd love to know more! Also, sad old me doesn't have any followers yet even though I get several comments! What am I missing here, what would you like to see that's different? Let me know, and if you do a foodie blog link me to that too, I mainly follow fashion blogs right now, so need some recommendations!
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