Here is what I thought about:
Fashion and Food. My two most favouritest things (cue horribly hurt face from boyfriend). I spend my spare time, as well as my work daydreaming times, thinking about shopping and sandwiches. I spend most, no-ALL, of my spare money on clothing and cooking.
And there is the dilemma-the spare time and money. I need food, but I also need shoes. I work full time, though my wage is not the best. I also have a part time degree to pay for. But I don't want to eat crap, or wear crap. So I'd like to share tasty but simple ideas, that are a bit more impressive than the average student fare, but don't take an age or a cupboard full of exotic ingredients to make. And also leave you with funds leftover for precious, precious clothes, shoes and accessories.
I'm not sure yet how this blog will work just yet, and it might take some time to get the hang of it, but you can bet your bottom dollar there'll be pretty clothes and delicious food. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?
P.S. Just a quick disclaimer. You will find no rainbow striped cupcakes here. As of yet, I do not bake. If you want a sweet treat, eat a chocolate bar or search on tumblr for fashionably dreamy foodstuffs.

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